Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Javascript – get Url

window.location.href - get entire url
window.location.protocol - get protocol: "http" / "https" - get hostname, e.g: ""
window.location.pathname - get script name, e.g: "example/index.html"

Moving Magento From One Host To Another

Moving Magento From One Host To Another

Running script out side Magento Folder and Updating Project Database

Magento Folder and Updating

Get productID from specific order in Magento

specific order in Magento

display product in magento with sql in list.phtml file

Place this following code in your  phtml file where you want to display particular category products this will return array of products and you can use this array to display product of particular category.
$sql = “SELECT product_id  FROM catalog_category_product WHERE category_id=57″;
$data = Mage::getSingleton(‘core/resource’) ->getConnection(‘core_read’)->fetchAll($sql);

Magento addAttributeToFilter

Magento addAttributeToFilter